Originally Posted by Miami_Son
FM on CDMA will never work for the same reasons that CDMA users can't talk and surf at the same time. Regardless of the hardware being present or not, it isn't supported by the network. Thinking it's as easy as a regedit, software update or flipping a switch is a waste of energy. Do you really think a company would cripple a feature if they didn't have to, especially when their competitor (AT$T) offers it? Get real. If they could turn the FM radio on and charge CDMA users extra $ to do so, they would in a heartbeat.
As others have stated, this is completely false. The Diamond has FM Radio on CDMA, as does the Imagio, Droid X, and Droid Incredible. I'm sure there are other phones that have it as well. If you can't get FM Radio on CDMA, then how did they do it on those phones. Also, trying to compare it to talking and surfing at the same time is stupid, and how is it a network limitation? The last time I checked, FM Radio signals ran at a completely different MHz range than the cellular network, so there isn't any way the signals could interfere with one another, and FM Radio isn't picked up through your cell connection or antenna either.