Originally Posted by l21matt
Are you considering making a Neodium version at all (with no cookie)
Blue is my Favorite colour, but I do have to agree with some others and It's just a "tad" bit too blue
Welcome to the kitchen, I'd like to learn how to cook someday too
I've thought about a Neodium version, but right now I don't have a kitchen set up for it.
As far as all the comments about too much blue. I have a theme I am working on that is more white than blue. I have tried GTX on it, but there were parts that were hard to read. I have a question for all of you. What is it that makes it too blue? The icons, the manila theme, or the base windows theme.
As far as funtionality. Has anyone found any glaring issues?
Sorry for my short replies earlier in the day. I was at work and didn't have a lot of time for replies, but I wanted to at least acknowledge everyone for trying it out and giving feedback.