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Old 09-03-2010, 02:46 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

its because they are exactly what sprint was targeting. People desperate to get the newer phone sprint knows it so they are holding a carrot up in the air and a knife down below and saying you can have the carrot but the knife comes with it.

No our tech is not at that point yet chardog. it still takes a massive infrastructure to keep all this going and to provide the manpower for it.

my problem is sprint wants me to pay more but does not want to GIVE ME ANYTHING FOR the higher cost.

You say but they are giving you an epic. NO they are not. I am BUYING an epic. I am giving that to myself. Not sprint. sprint is a SERVICE provider. what SERVICE are they giving me to justify $2400 a decade forever? Nothing.

Wait they are giving you any mobile. Useless. I get 7-7 N&W and I already have pick 3 and other sprint phones are already free. anymobile is a gimmick nothing more you don't actually GET anything from it.

Wait they are giving you Sprint Navigation. OFF COURSE they are seeing as how the only phones effected by this change are also the only phones that have ABSOLUTELY NO NEED for sprint navigation and where sprint nav is INFERIOR to the alternatives.

so again they give you nothing.