Originally Posted by tyty1978
yeah i got bored and tried it, i actually like the winmo interface so i uninstalled it and then it broke my notification thing... (where it tells you how many messages you have) so i had to flash back to an older rom.. which i was gonna do anyway but this gave me the motivation to go ahead and do it lol
Forgot to say, it's always a good rule of thumb to try something or changes this big after a fresh install without all your messages already there. Sorry you didn't like it, but I think it just makes the whole text msging interface more uniformed.
Originally Posted by Deltatristar500
there is all this talk about Task29 but dont really have an idea what it does. Is it like installing the stock rom and doing the "flash dance"?
Yes, it is in a way similar to what a flash dance would do for you. To prevent carrying over unwanted files over to the next rom.