Originally Posted by [ACL]
we recently patched some usb work. Unfotunately i havent had time to test the charging. Android seems to think its charging but since the batt meter is broken its hard to say.
-crash? to behonest i never crash but then again i probably dont put it through the rigorous tests you guy do. my advice is use xdandroid directly and avoid the cab builds.
search for xdandroid. they have a 2.1 build.
1. okay i will test it out tomorrow...well today just after i sleep....and let you know
2. i am using 2.1 that was ziped...never used cab never will
3.how stable is the nand right now 2.2 crashes alot for me is there a 2.1 bulid that is flashable or is 2.2 that you flash (install to the nand) stable enough
sorry for any spelling stuff its 4:30 right now and i have not slept.....off to play some COD:MW2
Claps for Crazy