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Old 09-02-2010, 10:08 PM
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Re: [ROM] 8/27/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | FROYO | Offical 3.26.651.6| Radio/Wimax 4G All-In

Hi, I have a couple quick questions. Does the new kernel being used allow for overclocking with setCPU?

Chino331 what method did you use to get your PRI updated, was it the ##3282# way. And since I got my EVO new it was already configured when it started up so I never had to enter a MSL code, and therefore don't know how to get it. I knew of a couple ways using Windows Mobile phones, but nothing for Android, and it seems Sprint never wants to just give it to me if I call and ask. So if it is ##3282# I won't be able to get past the code.

Edit: Sorry I guess Froyo did this automatically and I wasn't aware.
(Chris, what do you think about incorporating the wireless N fix for our EVOs right in your ROM?)

Device History: HTC Touch, Touch Pro, Touch Pro2, HTC EVO
Carrier: Sprint
ROM: Sprint Lovers 2.2
Kernel: #15

Last edited by wherestheanykey; 09-02-2010 at 10:37 PM.
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