Re: Cab files changing format
Can you point us to a sample cab file that's giving you trouble? Maybe they're not really cab files. Or they're windows cabs and not windows mobile cabs. Sometimes you'll see a link to a .cab file in a web page, but when you go to save it, you end up with a file that is actually an HTML file, not the cab file.
First, make sure any cabs you have are unzipped before installing. In later windows OSes you can just treat a zip file like a folder, you click on it and see what's inside. But it's not truly unzipped yet. So you don't want to try to run the cab yet. Unzip it somewhere and then go there and run the cab from the new location.
Also make sure you are using a file explorer that can see the extension of your files, so you can be sure that the .cabs are really cabs. Total commander is a good one.