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Old 02-25-2008, 02:25 PM
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Re: VetVito's Aero Windows Mobile (6.1.1)

Well it loaded fine and a few observations off the bat...

The Contacts button seems to be working off the bat, BUT the HTC weather is still not uploading the data for any city I enter. The initial start up loaded pretty slowly and started off with 16.50MB of free memory, after a hard reset it loaded slowly once again with 18.41MB of free program memory. I was having problems with dialing out but after going in to (Start>Settings>Phone>and change the voicemail #) everything seemed to start working although In the same phone window it says my number is a bunch of zeros with 4 numbers at the end right above the voicemail number. I tried connecting through IOTA in the phone settings and still no dice.... I see you made changes to the Comm Manager and it works properlly but still seems that nothing has changed as of yet. Thanks for the effort and I will give a furthur review after loading everything up. By the way originally after having numeous app's installed the phone had 15.48MB on startup and after running Oxios Close App's it had 16.28MB of free program memory, we'll see if we can get any better after everything is loaded.
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