Re: [** DEAD **] Goodhope G-Tech Smart- Fabric Bluetooth Keyboard $10 + S&H
Yeah, seems to me the Android platform is lacking a bit in the BT area (either that or it's my lack of experience w/ the Android platform), my EVO pairs fine w/ BT headset but we don't have HID stack required for BT keyboards. I tried BlueInput which I believe is now on the Market but FCs every time I try to run it, was going to try to pair w/ my Dell executive BT keyboard just to see if it would connect at all - no luck. A friend (also w/ an Evo) and I have tried to transfer files using EStrong's & Astro via BT, we can pair w/ each other but then neither handset will connect...I'm sure w/ enough hours on PPCG and other forums we could all be Android BT wizards though.