Originally Posted by stanglifemike
Going in to Rom manager or Quick boot and flashing a .zip is simple enough. Especially if you rooted your phone and your flashing ROMs. I was recently told, after asking a couple times, that any boot animation can be flashed. That was great for me becuase the last one that I installed was through Pushboot. Its not that pushboot is hard to use, I just like to able to do everything on the fly...not have to be beside my laptop to change ROMs or boot animation. This way I can throw a few ROMs and a few boot animations on my sd card and flash away while I'm stuck at the mall shopping with my fiance....
So you prefer Pushboot or ADB over flashing it?
See i'm the same way, I don't always have computer access so to be able to preload some things on my SD card would be beneficial because than, like you, I could do things on the fly... I'm still learning this whole android/linux operation as I've been accustomed to windows for the past 20 years almost lol... I was astonished that I rooted my phone after the OTA 2.2, and had no issues at all... I've been flashing since wm5 days so flashing is nothing new to me, it's just the process and terminology that's different...
So I can basically copy any zip to my SD card, and using ROM manager or Quickboot just install that zip, than that's it..?? Sounds pretty basic...