Originally Posted by Agentz919
The hypnotic cab has all the cabs that I use plus some for battery life. I noticed that some of the cabs i left out broke programs I use so i left them out. I honestly haven't charged my phone since Monday and I am sitting at 41% battery tonight... I don't know what I am doing/not doing to make it last this long... I ALWAYS have 3+ bars of signal so maybe that is the difference? I notice that if my phone is searching for signal my battery can drain in 1-2 hours. Sorry my cabs didn't help you out but i guess it was worth a shot. Sorry I am such a failure!
well since i went back to 22nd 23678 and installed the Hypnotic cab things are much better than what they were for me on 23127 so i can't complain, i'm not getting nearly as good as your battery life but like you said it might be signal and other things. no need to be sorry man you was trying to help out and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, that's the only thing we all can do when trying to help others out, so you have been thanked for trying.