Originally Posted by jsimmons
I got google maps to work fine on my Imagio, no mods needed. I have GPS managed by Windows, and you'll need to make sure your Google Maps is set up to use windows management of the GPS. Mine didn't work until after I installed the BING for Verizon and had it to make the LOCATION available. I already had the location ON and the HTC Location ON. Also, I'm using the latest Google Maps download from m.google.com/maps . Not sure if you have anything older or not.
Hope this helps
The question is not, "Does google maps work fine on the Imagio." Yes google maps works fine on the Imagio. The question is does google navigation work on the Imagio? The difference between maps and navigation is spoken turn by turn directions with street names. Bing does that for me. Google does not.
So are you saying that google navigation works for you? Or that just plain old maps works for you?