Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/5.0.3521/19.916; U; en) Presto/2.5.25)
Originally Posted by Hugo381
Is anyone experiencing SOD (Sleep Of Death) on BLAZN? My phone will work fine all day long as long as I am fiddling with the phone and not ignore it for more than an hour or two. If I stop playing with the phone for more than 1-2 hours the phone will not come out of sleep. The LED light shows green but will not respond.
I have been searching all day to see if anyone has experienced this but all post are a few months old. Haven't found a solution yet. I even went as far as removing the overclock command on Startup.txt to make sure its not the overclock.
I need a solution just because I want to be able to use Android as primary OS but I cant leave the phone in my pocket too long without it going into SOD. My biggest concern is that I cant use it as my alarm, so before going to bed I boot into WinMo so I can use G-Alarm to wake me up for work.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
It's probably the overclock to a speed your phone doesn't like. Try changing the speed in your startup.txt file.