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Old 09-01-2010, 09:31 PM
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Re: Is this the END?

Originally Posted by one80oneday View Post
So really the only things our phones have in common are that they were purchased last October and both have run EnergyROM recently. Seeing that there aren't thousands of people with this problem, I am just guessing that the hardware key itself is the problem and it's just a weird coincidence that it happened to us at the same time. Keep in mind that the TP2 only has a 1yr manufacturers warranty. Mine ends 10/18, so be sure to get to a Sprint store before then to avoid any fees.

I've tried a bunch of different ROMs and running Sprint stock right now, still have the problem. We'll see what they say when I take it in tonight.
In fact, my phone ran Mighty ROM for at least 3 months and about 3 weeks ago, it had such a problem: it keeps locking itself up. At that time, I think that it is the problem of the ROM. So I move to Energy ROM. But now the quick list random pops up after I installed Energy ROM on my phone.
The random locking up when running Mighty ROM is the same problem as the quick list random popping up. What is the behavior when your phone running stock ROM?
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