Re: [APP] [131 FONTS!!!] KD-Font [v1.1.1] [08/10/10]
OK so here's what I have planned for the next release:
- Font Download/Application Progress Bar
- Preview Download Progress Bar
- Diacritic Font Filter
- Sort Library Categorically
- Search Font Library
- Option to store applied fonts for future use, or auto-delete after application
- Built-in FAQ/Help
- Better Preview Downloading
- Improved Error Handling
- Additional font compatible (i.e. EnergyROM)
I have several of these already implemented, and I should have the release ready to roll out within the next week or so!
I decided on categories and search for the font library, and as you type, the displayed fonts will be restricted to the characters you're typing. I went this route, as I wasn;t able to integrate the side-screen alpha-list with the SDK I'm using.
stay tuned!