Originally Posted by dayznfuz
I went from USC to Sprint as well. The coverage is basically the same. In my area, Sprint will roam on USC first and then Verizon. USC roams on Verizon (and I'd assume Sprint, but I didn't check back when I had my phone). In other words, for voice at least, coverage is exactly the same.
Price on the other hand is much better with Sprint, particularly if you have a data phone.
Yah me, my wife, my brother, and his wife are all lumped into one huge plan.. we each pay about 30$ a month ( I pay 40 b/c of the uncapped shit).. Alot cheaper than 120ish$ for usc for two folks w/ smartphones..
Originally Posted by AZTECA
The good thing is that we roam on Verizon... So wherever there's Verizon there is Sprint.
That is good to know, my brother was stationed at ft. cambell and half the base he had no signal with usc , when he switched to verison he had signal.. Good to know!
P.s: I am sorry to say but I like this epic better than the tp2