Originally Posted by deegimus
I am curious about your choice of a 6 MB page pool? Aren't most people using 20,24, or 32? I've flashed 8 or 9 ROMS and my unofficial speed assessment is that 20 is a happy medium...
What do YOU think is the best page pool is, and can I use OMJ's pagepool changer on your exquisitely compiled 'Full' ROM?
Also, do you include any regedits in this version? (like the one's in mrGeoff's ROMs... I'm most concerned with the internet tweaks)
Thank you for your hard work!
I've attached my latest AudioPara file that I think gives the best range of volume through the normal speaker (earcuple) and bumps up BT too. Try it and let me know what you think.
I don't use high pagepools because of performance issues .... The higher the pagepool the lower the program memory will be that will cause certain apps to lock up or the phone not to wake up or end calls and constant soft resetting which later results in having a over all poor performance . What I do is balance the memory all around meaning that program memory will be what give the best overall performance so to answer your question I generally will not go over 12mb with a pagepool . Speed is cool but what will speed do if your device locks every time you go to use it