Originally Posted by richarc93
Downloaded the latest OMJ v3.1 which I was going to update from v2.1.. I got a nasty error during the flash process.. never seen it before. Seems like the zip might be corrupt or sumtin. I remember sumtin about jit?? Which I've never heard of that error. I got V2.1 Deodexed and I wad gonna upgrade to v3.1.... I'LL try it again since I just did a Nand restore...
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Nygel could be onto something. Just thought I'd mention v3.1 deodexed is 174MB-did you get a complete dl?
Originally Posted by buck12
after flashing the latest rom should i flash the kings kernel too?
Only if you want to.....
It's personal choice, no one can tell you what to do.
The ROM comes with kings bfs#6 which is a really strong, great kernel IMO.
#8 bfs is excellent as well, choice is yours.