Re: New SERO Oct 1st
I don't stealth tether or have any discounts/free add on to my SERO account. I understand that Sprint is a business, and I gladly welcome the option to get new phones for only $10 more a month. An added bonus is getting Sprint Nav and anymobile, etc. All along, I have been willing to pay a little more to get "iconic phones" but Sprint never gave SERO customers that option. Instead Sprint wanted SERO users to pay double. I for one thought it would have made more sense for them to allow SERO users to get any phone on the $30 plan but pay full retail price for it. In essence that is what this $10/mo fee is doing.
I just hope Sprint keeps this option available by the time I am eligible for that upgrade... until then I'll just have to wait it out with the TP2...
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