Originally Posted by dibbson
Thanks for the link and taking the time to help me out with the search.
i appreciate it especially, since u have other "things" on your plate.
But I was actually looking for the "stock format card " app.
I have seen this app before and tried it out but would really like the "stock format card " app.
Also, I have tried "Hypnotic2010 Format SD Card" cab.
Once installed, I clicked the link , I get an error saying the sd card is bad and cannot be formatted. This is not true becasue: 1. I get this error on every sd card and 2. I can format every sd card when I flsah back to stock rom.
And I have tried the cab
leadpoizon whipped up for me from his kitchen
The cab installed a link to "Format SD Card" link in tools folder.
Once I clicked the link , nothing happens.
Unfortunately it doesnt work either.
I have seen the "stock sd format card" app working properly in
Formula's SPB MobileSense 3.5.5{Loaded/Baseline}Layout Swap"