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Old 08-31-2010, 10:54 AM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list 8/29

Originally Posted by manekineko View Post
  • Android UI Process Crashes are frequent on the latest version without the crackling speakers, but this isn't actually that big a deal, as Android just reopens the UI right away.
Maybe I'm just having it on a worse scale, but I actually consider this one a major deal breaker as pretty much every app I've tried (at least ones that weren't natively built into the build) crash immediately. Sure Android itself doesn't crash, but it pretty much makes the platform unusable when you can't launch most of your apps.

I haven't had a chance to try the build that came out yesterday yet, but I'll have to give it more than 24/48hrs once I do so as the first sound-fix build worked just fine for the first day or so before the apps suddenly started crashing. From what someone mentioned in the thread specific to this issue yesterday this problem seems to be specific to Sprint devices.
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