Originally Posted by jkraze
THANKS ...but isnt that information really "OLD"... i think that was when the first builds came out right? wouldnt 23127 be updated and better by now though? 
to caveat what teradog said, which is correct, the first page has all the updated information on the rom series, when NRG updates the rom he updates those posts with any information he has that pertains to them, and if you scroll down a few posts you'll see the changelog which like teradog said has all the information pertaining to the current rom, it shows any system files that were updated and what programs are in the rom, we are not withholding any information from you bro, we get our information from the changelog, flash, post anything we find, work out the bugs if possible or flash back to our last stable rom.
21xxx series rom: WM 6.5, stable
23xxx series rom: WM 6.5.3 cutting edge programs/system files, finger friendly, not so stable