This argument is why I'm glad I bought an HD2. It's the last great WM phone & it's versatile too- I currently have both WM & Android on it. WM is indeed dying, and that makes me really sad cause it's an end of a really badass era.
I do think Android is the wave of the future though, and lately I've kind of forced myself to adopt it. I've been running it as my primary OS for about a week now &I NEVER thought I'd say this, but I love it. I've tried Android in the past & absolutely HATED it, but once I found a good ROM/build combo, it's really awesome. I always figured I'd have to eventually make the move to Android cause I'm a big fan of Linux & anything open-source. I love WM with all my geeky little heart, but I really don't wanna stick with a stagnant OS.
This whole thing reminds me of the WebOS fiasco. I was SO pissed when Palm announced the Pre & how they were completely rewriting the OS, I had used Treos for years & when I found out they were discontinuing Garnet, I literally cried. That's when I switched to WinMo, and now here I am again.
Truthfully I'm really mad at Microsoft over all of this, this is 100% their fault & I'm seriously thinking of boycotting them altogether(not that it'll make a damn bit of difference to them, but it'll make me feel important, lol). If they'd have promoted WM as the versatile, fun, something-for-everyone OS that it really is, I think it'd be a lot more popular than it is. That's why the iPhone succeeded, Apple marketed it just right and even though it's a polished turd, it's the most popular device out there today. My HD2 is twice as powerful as the iPhone 4, but do you see people lining up outside the T-Mobile store overnight to buy one? Hell no, cause it's got an old fogey 'nerd' OS.
*sigh* I'll get off my soapbox now. I haz a sad. Goodbye WinMo