Re: You, Me, Companies that don't really care, and Warez!?
Man I can't believe how some here have missconstrued this thread to think that it is/was to condone steeling, I never said that one time, and I never intended it to be construed that way, the "Warez" in the title was because I had, in another post, been tagged as supporting steeling, and was chastized for it by manigment, I covered that in the first post, a couple of the replys put me on the defencive, and I shouldn't have bit on that one, my point is in my opinion these companies don't deserve support, they don't deserve respect, they don't deserve to be in business, and until we start not supporting them, and let me make this clear one more time THIS IS NOT JUST GARMIN BUT EVERY COMPANY, PERSON, WHAT EVER WHO TREAT THE COMSUMER LIKE WE ARE JUST THERE TO IMPROVE THEIR BOTTOM LINE, now I understand that they are in business to make money, but I buy a product intending to get my moneys worth out of it, some I do and some I don't, just tired of the ones that I don't, so drop the your condoning steeling, no, no I'm not, I am in a business that produces a product and is supposed to be protected by intelecual property laws, sadly I have people steel from me on a regular basis, but does that mean that I stop giving my customers their moneys worth, or giving them a product that has a usful lifespan and actualy lives up to that, I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
Last edited by Tmair; 08-31-2010 at 12:07 AM.