overclocking winmo and android not booting
ok so recently i have been trying to get android to boot on my sprint tp2 and also on my gfs vzw tp2. we both had our phones overclocked in windows mobile with the netripper app and the oc 4.21 script. every single time i would try and boot android it would say booting linux the status bar would go to the end and than the phone would hang, both of them. so i would pull all the files off format the sd and than everything would work as expected on both phones. once i set the overclocking script back up the same thing would happen it would hang on the booting linux screen and i would have to remove the script for it to work again.
has anyone else experienced this and if so can you fix it? i like to mess around with android but i still use winMo as my primary OS and its kind of a pain to have to uninstall the script just to boot into android. i also know there is another overclocking winMo script but i havent tried it so i dont know if it will cause the same problem.