Cookie Home Tab Request,Suggestions,Bugs?
Ok installed Cookie home tab. So far I really like it. Seem stable and fast.
a few requests. not sure if it does this or if I just can't find the options.
How do I remove the SPRINT BAR at the top? I don't see an option or method to get rid of this. Can I do this in cookie or does this require another mod? If another mod which is compatible?
How do I add a small weather widget WITHOUT a clock? ie take the mini flip clock weather widget. I want exactly HALF of that the weather half in that size (just move the city over to that half) How do I do that? (see attachment)
The lock screen does not load properly. the TOP BAR is still the normal screen top bar. IE the lock screen is not full screen (I am thinking this might just be a bug?)
How do I stop it from adding more screens? swipe up gets me my quick links swipe down gets me weather and music player. I don't want ANY more "windows" how do I eliminate any more up or down windows? (I do want the normal sense left right swipe windows I just don't want any more home tab vertical windows) ie how do I remove the "extra space" one or both.
How do I make sure it always defaults to the proper "home" screen when I return home. it seems to remember and thats annoying.
For example. I swipe up to expose my quick links and select one.
later I return to home and its still at the quick links. thats bad I want it back at default home. anyway to do this?
What transparency mods are compatible with cookie? I love how CLOCK only or DATE only are just the numerals with no background but it won't let me add it TWICE so I can have date and time with no background.
Is there a way to "backup" my cookie settings so if I have to hard reset I can reset install cooking then "restore" everything I did (settings background quick links music player etc.. etc... all as it was before reset.)
Thanks so much for any help.
Last edited by nerys; 08-30-2010 at 12:17 PM.