Originally Posted by pringlet
Customer service is probably the third priority. I've heard horror stories about Sprint customer service? I know all of their call centers are in india right? Is it really that bad?
If you've switched from VZW to any other provider, was it a good move or a bad move in your opinion?
Thanks for any input/feedback/links/etc.
Long time Vz customer that switched to Sprint SERO for the price and the Vogue. I'm saving about 500 dollars a year and I really like the phone.
However, yes, CS is THAT bad. The story is too long and terrible to go into, suffice it to say it was eventually corrected by Executive Services at sprint. IMO, Sprints executive services (escalation dep't) is equivelent to who you get when you call Verizon the first time. The first tier CS in india is absolutely USELESS.
I will say this for Sprint, they screwed up my Vogue rebate......and sent me $250 instead of $100