Re: {ROM}{21667|23557/63}{8/4}Formula's SPB MobileSense 3.5.5{Loaded/Baseline}Layout
Thank you! Do you think you will still be dropping the new rom today? For me the baseline rom is so much more stable. Right now, the lock screen freezes thing freezes up for me every time. I like the concept, but in function it blows. I find I don't like or use any of the mods to MS 3.5 either. I am a simple kinda guy, and believe simple is better. I think I use FIM, google maps, and Opera more than anything else. Use bing occasionally....and installed windows live for push hotmail. Use wifi router occasionally, and you tube occasionally. That covers 99.9% of what I use on my phone, other than built in apps with windows like camera, texting and phone calls. I find most WM apps suck donkey balls, and don't use em. Marketplace has dumb stuff in it...although it is a nice idea. Good software has to be there, but aint. I do use the rss feeder, and tcpmp for playing media files. Even though Windows Media sucks big gator balls, I use it cause I can turn off the screen while I listen to music.
I am just waiting until october 1, when that Sero upgrade deal comes forth, and will probably jump ship to the Evo. It just seems that Android does everything I want it to, better than windows.
The windows CE core, is pretty much the same Doggone thing I was using on my Toshiba & HP old school PPC's back in the 90's. Even a step backwards from the groovy old palm OS, that just always seemed to work right. Even though it was super basic. I have a tendency to think apple stole the iphizzle's os design from them. Apple aint any better than toyota or honda in my book. Take something that someone else invented, copy it, change it just enough so they cant sue you. Then package it to yuppies. I hate yuppies, and hippies. LOL.