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Old 08-28-2010, 02:09 PM
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Re: Off Topic about email...

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
So all of the sudden a few days ago I began losing my email acct. after a soft-reset. If I try to go back in and set it up, it says I can't because there's already an identical acct. set up so I know that it's in the phone somewhere. I've read a lot about getting the email acct. back, so that part is easy.

What I want to know is why it happens to begin with. I can't think of anything new that I've added or taken away from my kitchen that would be causing this email issue.

Many people seem to have the problem with many ROMs and many devices. There are apps and such to fix it supposedly, but I'd rather the problem not exist at all. It didn't use to...

Anyone have any thoughts on why it's started up all of the sudden??
Are you using a new Email_Setup_Wizard that could be causing issue?
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