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Old 08-28-2010, 12:22 AM
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Re: All HTC Evo Battery Perfomance Talk

My battery life has been getting shorter and shorter (since my July purchase), in the last few weeks it was down to under 2 hours, yikes!.

I've tried all the forum suggestions but nothing helped. So, last week I went to Sprint and complained. The tech started off by saying I needed a Task Manager, I explained that I had alredy tried one but based on everything I'd read online that I didn't believe that it would work. He said don't believe what you see online and that he was a Sprint tech so I should believe him. He then showed me his phone and I noticed his battery monitor it was in the red? (at noon) hmmm!.

So, anyway he then checks my phone and he says it's fine. I said less than 2 hours is an issue and if a Task Manager was really the answer would'nt HTC and/or Sprint have provided one?. To that he said "well if you want I can give you a new battery!". I took the new battery and guess what my phone has now lasts the whole day now and it's usally about 80% when I put it on the charger at night.... WhaaHoo!!!! Hope this lasts

But based on this I would think that in my case anyway 1) it's a hardware battery issue, and 2) Sprint can't diagnose it.
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