Windows Mobile Still Not Consistantly Seeing Imagio
My Computer still does not consistently see the Imagio in Windows Mobile. Thus I cannot sync any data from Outlook. The Computer does see the memory card but not the Imagio itself. When I bring up the Win Mob device center it simply says not connected. "About" in Win Mob tells me my version is 6.16965
Please excuse my ignorance, but with the Imagio (new) should I be running Win Mob 6.5? In that upgrade available and should it be running in order for this process to work? After repeatedly failing to get the computer to consistently see the Imagio, I deleted the partnership between the phone and the PC intending to set up a new partnership. NO GO! The PC still does not see the device. I have already hard reset the phone once already, but I am back to the PC not seeing the device. This beats anything I have experienced in my 25 year experience with PC's (hardware and software) Please help, someone. I would be appreciative