Originally Posted by naigaboy
My Iguidance was crashing too when i go to full screen. Also, the screen didnt align properly once while I was driving after receiving a phone call. I cant map left and right soft keys to anything. I can map other keys though.
Where did you install (main memory)
What version of iGuidance (3.00, upx'd - 3???k installed instead of 12???k)
What kind of GPS unit, COM port, baud rate (Holux GPSlim 236, COM 6, Baud 38400)
What keys are binded to what? (No keys binded)
how much free mem do U have with application runnig?
Is it reading anything(like maps) off the card? If so make shure there ok.
Did you try running off storage card?
Also i read that formatting Fat16(just Fat) may be faster, but Fat32 would be better for large files.