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Old 08-26-2010, 03:39 AM
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Re: Upcoming prototype WP7 device from LG - quick hands on impression!

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
hero might look better but its junk plus wp7 will have sense and theres a link with info. in my wp7 thread or google it. i will take ugly ass wp7 over a hero anyday of the week.
Originally Posted by dishe View Post
No, I think we all already know that the new OS is NOT backwards compatible- I mean, the classic WM/PocketPC framework contains elements of the UI that don't exist in WP7 (scroll bars, menu bar on top, background threading while apps are jumped into/out of, etc). Remember- don't think of the new OS as the next Windows Mobile version, rather think of it as the first ZUNE PHONE combined with some features people expect in a Windows branded device (Office, Exchange, etc). I think even IF you managed to find some code written for a previous version of CE that would actually run on the new CE core (which in it of itself isn't so simple I think), the UI elements missing would either make it display improperly or just crash.

That's assuming we managed to copy the files manually into the device because it does not support .cab files natively. So, I didn't really try it (not sure how I could, really) but I'm fairly certain the answer is a resounding NO.

Yes, yes... I've been the biggest critic/opponent of 7 since the press releases. We'll all seen the demos and media presentation from a few months back... and it looked awfully cluttered to me. But let me ask you something- have you ever used a ZuneHD?
I touched one for the first time recently, and actually found the UI extremely intuitive. There's a reason people actually LIKE the Zune now (something I never expected to hear when the first Zune was released)...
Meanwhile, using WP7 in person was admittedly much nicer and less cluttered than the demos I saw.

I think it has to do with all the crap they populated it with for the demo- pictures of people and social networking contacts that aren't relevant to you, so it just seems like a big mess of stuff.
But when you see it clean, you see how simple it actually is- then if you start adding contacts and networks to sync, you start to see how the integration offers what is relevant to YOU in a way that is surprisingly elegant. I can't explain it really unless you've tried it.

I'm not saying its for all of us- I'm still not really interested in it personally for my own phone (Windows Mobile died with 6.5 as far as I'm concerned), however don't dismiss it too quickly. Its actually not half bad.
Originally Posted by w7excursion View Post
I guess you didn't realize you don't have to buy one?
Originally Posted by itster View Post
microsoft has gone in a different direction to actually CHANGE the look of mobile devices. apple and google has gone the same direction palm/handspring did 10 years with grids of icons.

talk about unfinished... how many updates has android had? every 2 months they try and finish a product that is unfinished. apple keeps adding MS ideas ever time MS announces something.

it's you
Let me say this to all of you, I don't know why you keyed in on the fact I have a Hero, but I never said it was a great device. Even though I do believe otherwise. I am getting the Samsung Epic, and when's the last time MS actually had a big hit? O that's right, the HTC Vogue, my old smartphone. Some may say the Touch Pro 2, but people had more issues and problems with that phone then any other I've dealt with.

As well, you said Android is constantly updating and MS isnt?!?!?!?! Are you serious??? I was a chef for the Vogue, and every 2 or 3 days there was a new build for 6.1 and 6.5. It was never finished. WP is the buggiest software ever made. It will never be finished. The reason why there are chefs is to finish what WP started, and that's still nearly impossible. WP7 looks like a child's play thing, and their phone they are releasing for WP7 are crap. Tell me when they release a phone play can play 55 frames per second and run smoother then a babies bottom?

O btw, Android is open everything they add just comes from the users. In Froyo the things added was, Apps 2 SD and Mobile Hotspot. And guess what, I'll inform you that Android is working on 3.0 now. It's going to be made for high end phones only. Sounds like WP7 right? WRONG. Google is almost done with 3.0, and WP7 still is and will always be in development. It took 1 and half years to leak about a device coming with WP7. Heck, I remember last year when people were talking about if the Touch Pro 2 will get WP7. Now it's a thing of the past. Get real...MS and WP are nearly dead, and WP7 will prove it once people realize the lack of support for it.