Originally Posted by stimpy1864
This is my first post here but been following this thread for along time. I am using OMJ's 2.2 deodexed from 8/3 with stock kernel and have been very happy with it. I didn't want to mess with the custom kernels because of the camera problems that plagued the early 2.2s but from what I understand those problems have been fixed. So my two questions are, if I do a backup in recovery before I flash a custom kernel will my backup restore my old kernel if I'm not happy with the custom one or does it just restore the rom? Second what benefits will I see and witch kernels should I use with OMJ's 2.2? And thank you OMJ for all your great work.
I'm using netarchy's kernal 4.1.9Beta and I think it works great. Haven't had much of a chance to try the battery life out just yet though.