Originally Posted by JSMZ
and there is my problem. I never even go over 100 anytime minutes so... i really have no need or want for any more minutes.
and sprint navigation COME ONNNN MAN. These phones have built in gps1 chips that run off real satellites who the he11 needs sprints crappy nav that runs off cell tower triangulation.
So, back to the ONE thing i gain for $10 a month... the "privilege" of paying $10 more a month for a phone im going to pay ohh probably $4-500 for anyway.
Yippie. This is really starting to sound "apple-ish"
maybe sprint should change their symbol to a apple with two bites taken out of it.
hell i don't even go over 5 minutes a month on my phone. ever since i've had my sero plan...i've probably used totally about 15 minutes out of my airtime. and i don't even use sprint nav at all. but i dont have a problem with the new premium SERO pricing. because like the previous posts said....it's still the damn cheapest plan ANYWHERE to get an iconic device activated on. if i were to upgrade to the Evo on my regular ED plan, i'd be paying anywhere from $115-$120 (taxes included) a month for all the bells and whistles for the Evo added. and if you compare it to having it on a SERO....it's still a minimum of $20 cheaper a month.