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Old 08-25-2010, 01:44 AM
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Re: What's up with TP2 memory management? fffffuuuuuuu

So it's true, some of these custom roms... you can leave (for example) google maps, media player, opera full, outlook running all day? ..6.1 sounds good, but will change the look and feel? Can I still be running manila 2.2 with it? I want to be able to keep my 4x4 quicklinks and all that stuff. Old WM home screen looks lame to me.

bob: I know it probably comes off like I'm installing every bonzi-buddy type cab file I run across, but I swear it's not that. The task manager I uninstalled is a resource hog, see this thread:

To clean up, I removed everything with sktools' uninstaller and only added the things I use every day. I also used this tweak cab: ...the only thing is, I think what caused my problem earlier is it added this fruity little feature where my texts get read out loud to me. Good for a laugh, but that's using more resources instead of less.

I think the major problem was opera. I installed mini instead, which doesn't make the pages look quite as pretty, but it gets the job done and it's 10x faster. Before, with opera, if I tried to load my swype keyboard, it just thought for a second then gave up. No problem with mini. And before, opera 10 + 2 other memory intensive programs = opera gives up. But mini just keeps running.

Sorry to be a noob, I have searched about speedup stuff for a while and I know there are solutions out there... new roms, hard reset to clean up, even overclocking. I just don't want to take any really major steps I guess. I like where my phone is at right now, except for the speed and not being able to keep opera up.
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