Originally Posted by kyderr
Congrats on being the early adopter. Battery life and stablity are real concerns. Plus I think the twitter tab was problematic to some, but it sounds like you don't use it.
I just got 8/25, 21xxx, Cookie up and running as well. Provisioned for Sprint, got rid of the FB, twit, stock, tabs and it booted with about 82MB free, 10 mins of playing with it, its at about at 70mb. I haven't installed anything or set it up to my liking yet, and i don't put too much on it anyhow so i hope the ram stays about 50...
Well i've been playing with this rom for a few hours off and on did some browsing, youtube, played some eminem, teeter and txt (i only keep these home tabs: weather, internet, pics/vid, music, callander, call hist) Didn't clean the ram and i've been hanging steady in the mid 50's and low 60's for available ram. It may just be me, but this rom seems to be pretty good now. The last one (8/22) the ram dipped to about 20mb frequently.
Still would love NRG to update his Titanium series (::cough:: the 21xxx)