Darth Vader Theme Pack - Dialer Included
*Already an Update - New BootScreen*
Here is a Darth Vader theme I have completed recently. Includes Dialer Skin and Imperial Death March Ringtone and Vader Quote for TxT tone.
Install Instructions -
Download Vader1.zip below.
Copy/Paste vader1.tsk to appropriate folder on PPC.
Copy/Paste welcomehead.96.png to windows folder on PPC (make a backup of orginal).
Copy/Paste sound files into appropriate folder on PPC.
Copy vader1.cab (dialer skin) onto PPC and run. Install to device.*
*I have found with this dialer skin and other dialer skins I have made using Tdial that I have to install HTC Dialer skin on my Mogul before the skins and then install the new skins before they will work correctly.
Last edited by Roswellien; 02-24-2008 at 11:21 PM.