Originally Posted by aldamon
Why does it make sense? Because they want more money?
I've heard claims from several sources of varying credibility, none of which were backed by figures, that SERO plans become a money losing proposition as soon as an "average" amount of data was used. I never bought this because a quick comparison to those unlimited Boost/Cricket/etc plans shows that SERO 500 can't be THAT much of a money loser, if at all.
I'm not condoning the act of tethering on SERO and transferring 30GB of data every month (that seems like plain old ABUSE to me). It's cases like that which kill the value of SERO for Sprint, and it may very well be part of the reason that Sprint is slowly but surely cutting down on the number of $30 SERO plans out there.
And by the way, these addons do make the SERO 1250 plan pretty damn useless.