Originally Posted by srtpusher
i am sticking with Otter. i have met some reps personally and they are great guys. yes, they have left the evo owners hanging, however 1.7 million+ iPhones are hard to ignore from a market perspective. The Otters for EVO are coming very soon and you won't be disappointed.
I personally cannot wait for my Otterbox. I do hope they make other colors... I forgot to ask that the last time I saw them.
No offense, but who the hell would care to buy a case when you are given one for free with your phone? Yes I can see it being a better case. However, a better case only goes so far in the eyes of someone whom already has 1 given to them.
Us Evo owners weren't given anything except a larger bill and an 8gig card in a chinese takeout box.
D/\SH i think you should take one of those cases and run it over with a dumptruck then set it on fire and piss it out to test its reliability. Of course you gotta make it a video!! You know we go way back like 4 flats on a cadillac and all

, but they just did us wrong making us wait this long. I always appreciate everything you do as well even if I am making fun at your expense sometimes since they are sending you 3 of em lol