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Old 02-24-2008, 11:58 AM
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Re: New PPC Browser : Skyfire - MERGED

This is really getting absurd. Who here thinks this is some small little project Skyfire has going??? Anyone??

This is a server based browser! This is a new project. I'm sure there is contant testing and data being collected to ensure when the browser goes 100% live, it will work as advertised. Would you rather they give invites to everyone, the thing does n't work right, and then it gets bashed in our forum for being junk?!

Class action law suit, that's a good one. Let's bankrupt the company before it gets started. Let's make sure if we don't get the browser first, that nobody gets it ever. I hope a mod gets there hands on this thread and locks it down. We need to chill out and let skyfire bring to life a wonderful idea that will be a huge step for wireless browsing.

"Not the victory but the action. Not the goal but the game.
In the deed the glory."