Telus HTC Desire Root Guide:
Thanks to: slimdizzy @ XDA, Clockwork Mods And the developers of Unrevoked3
Software Needed:
1. and download the unrevoked3 software PC.
2. Get Clockwork SLCD compatible recovery recovery image from
3. Download HTC Sync and install the software, then uninstall it this will prep your PC for the HTC Drivers needed.
4. Download the Android 1.0 fastboot drivers from
HERE or where ever you choose to get them.
5. Download the Android SDK
HERE And run the SDKSetup and let it update the packages to set your PC up with ADB and Drivers
Note: All software above except HTC Sync and Android SDK will be provided in a RAR linked at the end of the post.
1. Start unrevoked3 ( reflash.exe ) and goto File>Custom Recovery and point it to the recovery image ( recovery-clockwork- ) that you downloaded earlier
2. Enable USB debugging on your Desire Settings>Applications>Developement
3. Plug Desire into your computer, unrevoked should start its goodness, If it stalls once it reboots to Hboot, you need to install the Android 1.0 H boot drivers by hand.
4. Once you are left at the recovery boot and unrevoked says "Done!", disconnect your Desire and click the Trackpad to select "reboot system now", phone should reboot into normal mode
5. Check for Superuser Permissions app, if you see it you're good you're now rooted. If not repeat steps 1-4.
Software Pack