Originally Posted by Timberwolf671
ModmyPPC: You are the best person to tell me if we should go back to 23563. Did the MaxSense have message problems before I changed to 23129 xip.
Im sorry but I dont remember.
So far If I launch the text message inbox and it doesn't start I just run clean ram level 3 and when its done it works and I recieve the texts. So no problem anymore.
Originally Posted by D-nice
Hey TW, I flashed the
Sprint V10 Sense 2.5 And I have to admit I like it a lot. Have to admit your work with MaxSense was my best experience for me. Been having freezeup issues with the Sprint V10 Sense. Has anyone experienced a red signal indicator with no bars showing signal strength phone still works, data is operable and is able to receive calls. But when I push phone button dialer won't show up nor call logs show. Can't make calls and my entire saved numbers won't show when trying to access them. Anyone have a solution? I'd be greatly appreciated.
I had this same problem with max sense a few pages back. I think I relashed and the problem went away.