Originally Posted by freedomfighter
Need some help with the Data on the Energy.VICTOR.23128.Sense2.5.Cookie.GTX.Aug.11 ROM.
I Got the Data working with installing dcd Sprint Carrier 20090109.cab
Data worked great for a day till..
Then I went to Settings/Other/Update PRL
After that the data would not work. With Error "Data Call Failure" Error Code 67 Registration Failure. Your PCS Vision username/password may be incorrect. the other one is "Cannot Connect" Dialed #777, with more text underneath.
So I did the flash dance again with the same Aug 11 ROM and tried the Windows/Tools/Carrier Provisioning and have had no luck getting data to work.
I go to Settings/Wireless Controls and Turn ON the Data - nothing even if it says it's on.
I also go to Windows/internet/internet sharing/menu/connection settings and have added My Connection with #777 to dial and leave the name and password blank.
This is where I think it's having problems My Connection tries to put in a password of ****** and I think it's supposed to be blank. Tried rebooting and rebooting with every little tweak I can think of.
I SO love this ROM!! I havent updated Energy's ROM since 12-24-09
What step am I missing? Is there a tweak I need?
Did I fubar my Sprint Diamond with the Update PRL thing?
Update: Now even flashing back to stock ROM I cant connect to the internet.
When I try and setup Windows mobile device center on the GTX version the default device name says "my computer's name HTC Touch Pro 2"
My guess is with the 23128.Sense2.5.Cookie.GTX.Aug.11 ROM version The PRL is set to the Touch Pro 2 and when someone updates the PRL you install the touch Pro 2 PRL.
Re-flashing back to Stock ROM still cant connect to the internet to re-update the PRL back to the Stock Diamond PRL.
Does this make sense? Can I download a .cab Diamond PRL file and install it to get the data working again?
I was having similar troubles as well after switching to this ROM. However after installing the Telus provisioning .cab from
Start>Tools>Carrier Provisioning I have been having no troubles. You obviously should try the Sprint version. Hope it helps.
Thanks for the ROM. Very slick!