Re: [ROM] 8/2/10 Generic JBTROM Bare Essentials WM 23569 Sense 2.5.2016 [UC/Sashimi]
Sorry for not getting back to this for a while. Lost my job and looking for work. Tested BE2 last night & dropped my pagepool down to 12. Any lower than this the system becomes too slow and sliders become erratic in movement. I installed XTask so I could use its taskbar memory indicator to see the impact of running apps. I see the O/S come up at 62M and then rapidly drop down as other services and Sense starts up. Sense alone seems to take 20M. I settle out at about 30M free which is really good with Sense running so you have done a great job at paring things down as you've suggested. As I start to toggle between different Sense items (contacts, weather, calendar, etc) the system memory starts to drop off pretty rapidly and does not come back even though the items are no longer running. It's almost like it grabs junks and does free them back. On the Sprint phones this is probably not an issue but with the choked Verizon model it is clear that you run out of ram really quick. I found that a soft reset brings memory right back to 30M and I ran the ROM for a full 24 hours and found that all other things work as they should. This verson will work but a user will have to watch ram closely to remain effective. Thank you for the hard work on this!