Originally Posted by daytona283
Does this mean that you will stop cooking for the TP2?
Not in your life time or at least till my server time is up in January 2011. If all goes well with the Epic Android I will be release mods for that + the TP2. The TP2 will stay in the family (my wife) that way I can still play with it. And if more changes happen from MaxSense or CHT then you will get more updates for the TP2. Be happy, life is great!
BTW: If I thought I could get my reputation higher I would start a thread in the Sprint Diamond rom section. Have a great CHT 1.8.5 and MaxSense for that phone also. Soon I will be asking for donations, not for my roms. They will always be free, but for all the dogs, cats, foxes (not the pretty ones), birds and many more that I rescue. Most of rescue dog live very long lifes (8-13 years), outside cats not as long (5-7 years). My food bill is over $200.00 per month and don't even want to say what the vet bill is. But I do most of that myself, shots, twitching of open wounds, etc. I have at this time 10 rescue dogs, 6 outside cats, 3 foxes, 3 German Shepherd's (My loves) 3 small rescue dogs.
A picture of the love of my life! She is a greatest GS attack dog I have ever owned, she willing to take someones arm off and then come lick my face.
She is my friend, my partner, my defender, my dog. I am her life, her love, her leader. She will be mine, faithful and true, to the last beat of her heart. I owe it to her to be worthy of such devotion.
One more picture for the day. Just got my abdominal CT's back and diagnose comfirmed. I have my head up my a$$!