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Old 08-21-2010, 11:19 AM
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Re: Mobile Antivirus?

Ive been running winMO for 3 years, never had any anti-virus software, and never had a virus.... just stick to the main sites... dont download anything from anywhere sketchy... theres really ever only been a few reports about viruses in US cell phones.. the most recent ones were the "3d anti-terrorist video game"-was making international calls at night from the devices it was installed on.... and just last week or something there was an issue with "wallpapers" contain harmful things-but that was Android...

Were running a hackers platform here(winMO) but honestly, everyone seems to be really good... I havent seen, heard, or read about many viruses really in my 3 years.. id say Anti-Virus is just for the paranoid or over-cautious
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