Originally Posted by PropagandaX
Thats what I am using also. With titanium disabled and using only today plugins (Date, calender, messaging, weatherpanel, easy today launch, and spb news) I boot to 118mb free and never fall below 105. Lovin it.
BTW, how is the battery life overclocked with this rom?
PropX- any chance you could post a screenshot of your setup? About 60 days ago, I retired my TP2 and got the new BBerry Bold from Sprint. Fantastic telephone, but the most boring thing I've ever dealt with and screen too small. So I resurrected my TP2, and while cool, it seems SOOOO much slower. I"ve overclocked it, and have no issues, but am tired of sense. I don't care for Titanium- it's just wierd for me. Would love to see your setup. Thanks