Originally Posted by skruff77
hey sharkie hit you some love on mobile underground
I saw that! Thanks I really appreciate it. The most I've seen online all day over there is like 35 or something. Slim pickin's... But I'm glad I'm started a thread over there anyways. Hopefully it will pick up a little. On the plus side of that... I was a little concerned with maintaining two threads and being able to spend ample time in both, lol... clearly this won't be a problem!
Originally Posted by bobbyblack
So sprint called today with there survey, I told them I was very unhappy with the phone I have ( being this is the 4th time they gave me a new one in a month & 1/2) and after three or more ESN changes they offer you another phone, because you've had so many problems. So seeing what they was offering me for a change. First was a Black-Berry Tour ( Bacause its the same price) I told him that I wasn't a PDA fan, and that was a dinosars. So I said what about the EVO or EPIC, I think he laugh at me... hehe, but he said there are No EVO's in stock and Epic hasn't come out yet. So he said, What about the Hero or Samsung moment. I said NAW... I paid 600 bucks for my phone why would you think I'd take a 200 dollar phone to replace my Pro2 So then I said I want the EVO That's the next best thing to the Pro2 (right?) So he said okay, But he couldn't aprove the deal had to connect me with his Supervisor. So he put me on Hold for 2 days (felt like).......... So then my phone rang... That SON-OF-A- BI*** hung up. So I called back to talk to a Supervisor... No EVO, But he did give me a 140 bucks credit to my account. So It's COOL, I'm not really ready to give up my PRO2 yet.
Well, it sucks that you couldn't phenagle an EVO out of them. But hopefully myself and everyone else around here can keep our TP2s fresh and new for a while to come!