Re: New SERO Oct 1st
Maybe this will be the first complaint in this thread from a $30 SERO user.
I suppose it's still a great deal, but I'm using a TP2 right now. It's a smartphone that has the capacity to use data as rapidly as any 3G android phone. Right now my plan includes more minutes than I use, unlimited text and data, and 7PM unlimited calling. As I see it, this $10 gets me navigation (which I don't want since I use Google and Bing for that). Eventually I'm sure all smartphones will be 4G, so at some point it's going to be a minimum of $50 for all of us.
As I see it, I'm not going to be using any more resources or bandwidth but my rate will go up 33% for the privilege of using an Android phone instead of WinMo.
What about Windows7 phones? Will they be allowed on the $30 plan?
Of course I know that hearing someone complain about paying $50 a month for an EVO seems pretty whiny if you just opted in for a full price plan, but if you are jumping from a $30 plan that gave you everything you needed, $240 a year more isn't great.